Thursday, September 01, 2005

My First Blog

Well this is the first blog entry of many, hopefully. This blog is intended to help maintain communication with friends. I think I have a bit of difficulty maintaining long lasting relationships and my extremely small social circle is evidence of this. This is entirely out of laziness not revolting social habits. (I think) I’m not much of a phone person either. Hopefully, this bog will act as a way for you (you being my close or once close friend) to have some contact/communication with me even if it is severely limited. Some of you may take comfort in this type of limited communication the same way a text message can be strangely comforting in certain situations. It is my way of maintaining a home base for communication that would otherwise go untransmitted. So even if we haven’t talked in awhile, feel free to check and see what I would be saying if we were. In any case this blog is intended for my friends, so I am going to be extremely candid and try to be honest when posting new entries. I have wanted to start this project for a couple of weeks and am excited about it finally becoming real. In any case, I believe that this blog will be a great way to prevent the loss of contact that slowly separates people. And I hope all of you enjoy hearing about my wonderful, horrible, life. Ill try to be witty, honest and insightful, so try to enjoy and feel privileged. No obligations on your part. Your level of activity with this blog is entirely up to you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have no one to skate board with in the burbs. :(

7:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

huzzah for blogs. i miss you.

8:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

exxxx-cellent. i now heartily forgive you for leaving yr own birthday gathering early.

9:54 PM  

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