Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Dawn Of A New Political Age

We certainly live in interesting times. For years it seem like our government has been on autopilot. It has been argued that our president has stolen two elections and his inability to give a speech is a national disgrace. We are in the midst of a war that many feel is unjustified, and predicated on false reports of weapons of mass destruction. Our government is coming under criticism for its late reaction to the crisis left in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. With rising gas prices and a national disaster to deal with, it seems the economy is headed for a downturn.

When discussing current events it is hard not to talk about how the future is going to be shaped by these events. Will there be a congressional hearing to determine if the Government turned a deaf ear to the hurricane victims? Will bush's top aid Karl Rove face criminal charges for leaking the name of an undercover CIA agent's name to the press because he was trying to destroy her husband's career? Why, because he reported on the lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. It seems inevitable that this administration is going to go down in history as the worst ever. Personally I think the white house is going to find a way to slip out of all of this. Today, I read in Newsweek that Bush plans to oversee an investigation to determine what went wrong and why. What the F#@K is that all about? That’s like me leading a poll to determine if Im the number one lover man in the Chicago land area. It turns out I am the ichiban lover man in the Chicago Land area...who knew? Thank god congress is going to hold a seperate investigation.

Although Im hoping that this administration collapses under the weight of its lies and incompetence, I hardly believe that a congressional hearing is going to force Bush to resign. I predict that the country will begin to question the government’s policy more and any criticism of the government will not be seen as unpatriotic. This government just lost its 9/11, criticize the government and your un-American, unpatriotic, antiwar shield that stifled many criticisms of the past. What I am personally hoping for is a national political awakening in which young people, minorities and the poor to take an active interest in politics.


Blogger Lone Ranger said...

You won't hear any Democrat big guns calling for hearing. That's because on the Friday BEFORE the hurrican, the Bush administration urged Governor Blanco to declare a state of emergency so the national guard could be federalized and sent into the area. She rejected the suggestion and didn't declare a state of emergency until the next Wednesday. Just two days after being given the go-ahead, the troops and aid were there. She didn't just drop the ball, she lobbed it back after the feds tossed it to her.

As for Mayor Ray Nagin, he told people to evacuate the city, but he didn't provide the means to get them out. He did not activate the city evacuation plan. There are hundreds of buses mired in the flood that could have been used to evacuate people two days before the storm hit. Instead of just ordering the evacuation, why didn't he organize it? Why didn't the mayor have disaster supplies prepositioned around the city?

Yeah, I don't think the Democrats will be pushing for hearings.

10:34 AM  
Blogger M.J.G. said...

I checked with the office of the governor at the Louisiana Governor's office and they have a press release that states that the Governor Blanco declared a state of emergency on 8/26.
That’s Sunday not Wednesday.


As for Mayor Ray Nagin I give him a lot of credit for staying with his city throughout the hurricane. I’m not aware of the extent of his evacuation plan. Also some people refused to leave while others lacked the resources. I do know about his urging the federal government for help after the Hurricane and the breach of the levees. I also read report that Nagin was calling demanding federal attention thursday, with assistance yet to come.


There is no disputing that the federal government neglected his and the peoples pleas for help. So given that information I think a congressional hearing is not impossible. Plus I do not think this is a partisian issue, it is an issue of government running improperly.

Where did you get your information? I would like to see it.

10:29 PM  
Blogger M.J.G. said...

I like the story behind that photo. Apparently Paris forgot to regester to vote, thus she was unable to cast a vote. So according to her shirt she has to die.

2:13 PM  

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