Monday, November 07, 2005

A Wage Slave Is Born

After suspending my carefree days of childhood into adulthood I have been forced to attain gainful employment. No longer do I have to worry about personal finance or free time. The scales have tipped and what once was plentiful is now sparse and vice versa. Before I was employed I had lots of time and no money. Most of my free time was spent searching for new music, reading, seeing movies or skating. Those days of leisure are now gone. I have made a trade off that has affected me profoundly. Once I had a fortune in free time, now I’m well below the poverty line, just getting by. A few hours here, a few hours there. However, the acquisition of a job is not all rain on a parade. I have discovered that my new structured schedule is most likely beneficial to my body. Waking, eating and sleeping at the same time during a majority of the week has to have a positive effect on my body. Also the money is not bad and I have the opportunity to learn more Japanese. The one thing that really bothers me though, is how tired I am after work. I am unable to commit to anything that may stretch into or past nine o'clock at night. Keep in mind that I have worked in construction before and had have endured numerous days of hard labor followed by long nights. Within the construction biz, I was waking up earlier and doing hard physical labor with energy to spare. At Nippon Express I work at a desk all day and only lift a finger to push it down again on the keyboard and I come home unable to do anything requiring concentration or energy. I have never made more money in my entire life and have never had less free time. I sure I'm going to save a lot of money because I never have time to spend any of it. My free time has never been more valuable or fleeting. Huh, this post was meant to be positive describing how much I enjoy my new job and all of the wonderful people I work with. I think it’s time for bed my eyelids are heavier than three ton a/c units. I can’t compete with the Japanese, they work too hard.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah...I was def. going to post that...and then I changed my mind. Glad you's something everybody can appreciate.

P.S. I can't get to the link (go me) but I know what picture it is...Latesha ruins all the fun.

4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope you have SOME flippin free time. i get back december 16 and we HAVE to do some fun.

10:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know you'll enjoy this.

12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

loooooooooooooooove youuuuuuuuuu


12:27 PM  

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