Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Twenty dollar digital.

So my friend Andrew introduced me to the wonderfull world of digital photography. The wonderfull world of super low fidelity digital photography. Im talking one megapixel. I must say it sounds bad but the low resolution gives many pictures a warm quality. Some of the coolest looking flix I have are from my super small razr phone camera. Whenever I have the foresight to bring my real digital camera to a fuji moment it is ruined by the hyper steril high quality emerengcy room digital picture. I hate gettin my picture taken by my "real" digital camera because you can see everything. Its like trying to look good next to florescent light. Impossible. It is allmost like the picture is too detailed, too good. You can't hide from that high res digital flash photography, but you should. So, to up the illin, Andrew gave me a Jamcam! It was supposto be a cool portable digital camera for teenagers that was affordable at the expense of its photo quality. The extreme camera to take pictures of your friends skateboarding and shoplifting candy! Anyway the camera was extremly unsuccessful and subsequently discontinued. I think its gaining some popularity because of the unique look of its pictures. Here is a taste of what low res digital looks like. They proably wont look kickass untill you look at them full size. So who wants to shoplift some twizzlers while I do my low res thing all over you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm not going to join that cat fight. as for the blog,i don't know what you're talking about mikey, you love it when i take extreme close ups. photos are not meant to blur the truth, although that seems to be most people's objective.

8:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hang out

8:46 PM  

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